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By 吹著魔笛的浮士德

買一台 PS5 或 Switch 主機,能讓你變得幸福?

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Credit:Generated by OpenAI’s DALL·E,ナゾロジー編集部

據江上弘幸(日本大學經濟學部)團隊發表在《Nature Human Behaviour》上的報告指出:擁有 PlayStation 5 與 Nintendo Switch 主機的人,與沒有購買遊戲的組別相比,除了生活滿足感得到提升以外,心理上的痛苦程度也降低了。
原文:「Causal effect of video gaming on mental well-being in Japan 2020–2022

The widespread use of video games has raised concerns about their potential negative impact on mental well-being. Nevertheless, the empirical evidence supporting this notion is largely based on correlational studies, warranting further investigation into the causal relationship. Here we identify the causal effect of video gaming on mental well-being in Japan (2020–2022) using game console lotteries as a natural experiment. Employing approaches designed for causal inference on survey data (n = 97,602), we found that game console ownership, along with increased game play, improved mental well-being. The console ownership reduced psychological distress and improved life satisfaction by 0.1–0.6 standard deviations. Furthermore, a causal forest machine learning algorithm revealed divergent impacts between different types of console, with one showing smaller benefits for adolescents and females while the other showed larger benefits for adolescents. These findings highlight the complex impact of digital media on mental well-being and the importance of considering differential screen time effects.

概要來說就是每天玩 1 小時左右的遊戲,有益於身心靈健康的提升,但是玩超過 3 小時以後這樣的正面效果就會遞減。
擁有 PlayStation 5 會有較佳的身心靈提升效果體現在核心遊戲用戶、男性、沒有撫養孩童的族群上。
而與家族同住或是休閒型玩家,則會透過 Switch 主機帶來較大的幸福感。

為了改善我的身心健康,我要再來多買兩款 Steam 遊戲了。



  • 我XBOX玩家不只玩遊戲幸福,買新手把時也很幸福XD透明藍好帥喔!
  • 我要把這篇文章儲存下來
  • 看來我已經幸福爆棚了……
  • 兩台都在,快樂自在。

遊戲產業觀察評論家、9 級 Google 嚮導美食探店者、親子成長的初心者

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